HPC Seminar and panel discussion at ENSEEIHT Toulouse
As the end of Moore's law is approaching, the high performance computing world is witnessing disruptive changes with respect to the past. Supercomputers become increasingly large and heterogeneous. That is, they rely on specialized processing units such as GPUs to achieve high performance; additionally, they are designed to satisfy not only the needs of large scientific computing applications but also those of a novel class of applications which are becoming increasingly popular on HPC platforms: data analytics. This evolution presents high performance computing experts and users with daunting challenges which require the development of novel efficient and scalable algorithms as well as efficient and portable software. Prof. Jack Dongarra of the University of Tennessee Knoxville (USA) and Prof. Satoshi Matsuoka of the RIKEN Center for Computational Science (Japan) will present their view on the present and future landscape of high performance computing and applications. Their presentation will be followed by a panel discussion which includes other experts from the academic and industrial world. This event will be hosted at the ENSEEIHT school of Toulouse and is organized jointly with “Fondation N7 Développement”.