Sparse Days Meeting 2018 at Cerfacs, Toulouse
September 26th-28th, 2018
The annual Sparse Days meeting will be held at CERFACS in Toulouse on 27 and 28 September 2018. As last time, there could be events on the 26th also.
The Sparse Days meeting will be similar in format to previous years. No invited speakers and all talks in plenary session.
Talks on any aspect covered by the title on numerical linear algebra, sparse optimization and on data assimilation fit well with some of the current research at CERFACS.
As always we suggest a special theme.
As usual there will be no registration fee although you must register beforehand by completing the registration form.
People wanting to speak can send their abstract by filling the registration form or can email Paul Mycek ( or Carola Kruse ( with a title and abstract of up to one page in LaTeX or plain text. Normally talks would be for thirty minutes (including questions) but this could be negotiable (either way). We do not want to have parallel sessions so we will not necessarily be able to accept all submissions. A poster session will be available. Please let us know if you would prefer this mode of presentation.